Friday, February 24, 2012

Weight Troubles

Well, apparently if you're obese when you get pregnant, you should only gain 10-15 lbs when pregnant, for the entire pregnancy.

This is a problem. I weighed today and am up 5 lbs already. Noooooooooooooo! Last time I checked, I was actually down a pound in my weight. I've been nauseated a lot and not eating much. On the other hand, I had been dieting beforehand, and that stopped when I found out I was pregnant. Basically, I'm eating food I wouldn't have eaten before, but not much of it. Or, I'll have one big meal when I'm feeling good, but miss another meal entirely due to nausea.

I've been trying to tell myself that it's water weight, but the truth is I'm just going to have to start tracking my food and exercise, and regulate my calorie intake. Even if I've been eating less, I've been exercising less, too. No more derby, and with the nausea and exhaustion, a good week is when I get to the gym twice. :(

Guess I'm off to, to start tracking. *sniff*


  1. Eat healthy when you can eat. Exercise when you feel good. The goal is a healthy baby. Don't worry too much about gaining weight -- pregnancy is just about the only time a woman can eat well without feeling bad. You are making a baby. You can get back to regular dieting and exercise and guilt tripping after this most important function your body will ever perform :) We love you!

  2. I was really obese when I got pregnant with Brandon, and, all said and done, I gained 30 lbs before delivering a healthy, happy baby boy. I tried to eat healthy (when I felt up to it), and I tried to move when I felt up to it (not that often), and everything was okay. You'll find plenty (of perfectly healthy and normal things) to stress and freak yourself out with during pregnancy without adding obesity-related terror to the mix. Trust me! ;)
