Thursday, February 9, 2012

Six Weeks?

Right now, I have NO idea how far along I am. My guess is that I'm about 6 weeks. I'll find out for sure on Monday, when I have my first sonogram!

Here are some things you might be curious about:

Are you showing? No, but my pants are fitting tighter. Maybe it's bloating? I hope so! I shouldn't start showing for another month or two at least, but my sister in law (who is very slim) started showing *right away*.

What are your symptoms so far? I feel really cold all the time, I'm thirsty a lot, sensitive breasts, nighttime nausea (but not vomiting yet, thankfully), mild pelvic cramping, extreme fatigue, and occasional cravings.

Are you eating right and working out? Kinda? I am way too tired to go to the gym after work like I had been doing before, but I try to do our Kinect dance game for at least half an hour every night. I am trying to eat normal food and lots of veggies, but I'm not really keeping track of what I eat, and if I have a craving I usually go for it.

Are you SO excited? Yes, right now being pregnant is basically the only thing I can think about. It's not helping me at work.

Do you know what you're going to name him/her? No. We have some frontrunners, but it's way to early to decide on anything 100%.

Other questions? Just ask! I'll definitely update again after the sonogram on Monday.

Also, I really hate the title of this blog. Got other suggestions? Let me know in comments!


  1. I thought I had commented on this but apparently it didn't post.... Another January 31 Answer to Anita's Prayers or Schumachers Make a Little Loafer --- LOL. Love you both!

  2. Oh yeah, I remember what I wrote! Hijacker sounds kind of evil. How about The Tiny Hitchhiker :)

  3. But it *is* a hijacker. It's the size of a raspberry and has taken over my entire body. It feels like I have zero control of my body now. It controls my mood, my nausea, my energy levels. Hijacked!
