Thursday, September 27, 2012

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig!

How far along? 38 w 4 d
How much gained? holding at 41 lbs
Symptoms?  HUNGER (I thought this would have gone away by now), back pain, frequent pee urges, hip popping, increasing intensity of braxton hicks contractions
Looking forward to? Meeting baby, getting out of the house for book club this weekend!
Are you still pregnant? Yes.
One or two?  Just one.
Aren't you SO ready to have the baby?  Kind of.  I am enjoying my last days of quiet time and sleep, but also really anxious to meet Alex and, to some degree, to get my body back.

I am now officially on maternity leave!  Yay!!  I am super glad to be off work, but being at home is kind of boring and lonely.  I had forgotten about that from when I was unemployed. 

To combat this, I have decided to do basically what I did when unemployed -- get dressed like a normal person every day, go out somewhere at least once a day, brush hair, etc.  Be a normal person in the world, and not a pajama wearing layabout (which is basically what I did yesterday).

I have been productive, though!  I cleaned the basement and touched up the paint in the bathroom.  I am making freezer meals for post-baby, did grocery shopping, etc.   Today I will make my Tdap appointment and write thank yous for my work shower.

Oh and I also took photos!  And they include the first (and only) shirtless belly shots of the entire pregnancy.  I've never been a skin-showy person, but I felt like in pregnancy, at least one was warranted.  Here are my 38 week photos (from this morning):

Thanks for taking the pics, Dean!  If you notice that there are none of the stretchmarks I've complained about, that's because only one was visible in the front shot and I photoshopped it out.  Muahahah.  If only it were that easy in life.

Also, I am trying to just eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, since I've been so out of control hungry lately.  But now it's 10:30 am and I am really ready for lunch.  What is going on?  Maybe a late-term baby growth spurt?

Anyway, that's all the news for now.  Just wanted to do my weekly update!  More next week, when I predict I will still be super pregnant.

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