Thursday, March 29, 2012


Okay, so I'm not *quite* to the second trimester, but it's now Thursday and it officially starts on Sunday, so I feel like I'm basically there.

Yesterday I had my 12-week checkup with NT scan results and a sonogram!

Hoagie was moving around like crazy, waving his/her arms and doing flips. It was really amazing. (P.S. for those of you just joining us, we are calling the baby Hogenthorpe Blimpington while it is in utero. That is NOT the real name.) I was a little underwhelmed at the 6 week appointment, since it was just a little blob. I mean, it was really cool to hear the heartbeat then, but this was something different altogether. S/he was moving around and really looked like a little baby. What a difference 6 weeks makes! Right now Hoagie is about the size of a lime. Wow! 6 weeks ago s/he was the size of an apple seed. Its amazing how fast it's growing and changing!

Also, we got good news vis-a-vis the NT results. The baby has less than a 1 in 70,000 chance of Downs, and a similarly low risk of Trisomy 13 and 18. I am doing follow ups, plus Spina Bifida and Cystic Fibrosis screenings in a month. Fingers crossed for baby Hoagie.

So that's the good news and I am feeling so relieved about it all. It can be worrying when you don't feel the baby moving around in there -- is it doing okay? What's going on? So having the sonogram, actually seeing the baby, and getting the test results made me feel much better.

Nausea - it's pretty much gone! One thing that I have noticed that is weird, though, is that my stomach seems smaller. Maybe it's getting squished? I can't eat the same volume I used to (trust me, this is all good) and I get doggie bags a lot more from restaurants and generally eat smaller portion sizes.

Other symptoms - I have weird pain in my right butt cheek. Sorry if that's an overshare, but if you're reading this, you probably also read my bike blog, and there was a lot of butt discussion there, too. I'm not sure what the pain is or why, and it's not there all the time, so I'm not sweating it too much. Other than that... what symptoms? I am feeling pretty good these days. I still cry a lot though. I thought that was just a first trimester thing, but I'm still feeling pretty emotional.

Exercise - I've been meaning to put on my pedometer every day and walk at least 10,000 steps, but I keep forgetting. Tomorrow for sure!

Cravings/Food Aversions - First trimester all I wanted was high cal junk (when I could hold down something other than pretzels and ginger ale), but that seems to be passing. I've been craving salad and clean foods. Greasy foods really gross me out, especially if they are meaty. (Hmm, meaty is a gross word.) I am still interested in pizza -- that's the only greasy food I still like/want. Also, I was last trimester, and still am interested in CANDY. I don't know why, but candy has been really speaking to me. I *try* not to have it every day. And the kind of candy I want is fruity candy -- skittles, sour patch kids, starburst, etc. Chocolate grosses me out most days.

What I'm Missing - Surprisingly, I don't really miss alcohol. Only sometimes, like if Dean is having a really fancy dark beer with dinner or something. But it hasn't been a big deal. Yet. What I REALLY miss is high-risk exercise. I miss derby SO much. I still dream about it. I also wish I could go bicycling because it's so nice outside, but I have clip-in pedals and I worry I'd have a bad fall. I think I'll look into replacing the pedals this summer.

Are you showing? - I'm showing a little, but only to people who know me and are looking hard. Most people probably think I just have a fat stomach and should lay off the bagels. I expect to start showing for real over the next month or two.

Weight gain - I've gained 4-5 lbs total since I got pregnant -- or up to 7 if you count regaining the few pounds I lost on Weight Watchers before I found out I was pregnant. It's more than I'd like, but at least I'm not up 10 or more yet.

Anything else? I bought a dress for Sapna's wedding in July! I will be huge. It's got a fitted top with an empire waist and a very flowy bottom half with lots of fabric. Looks good now, and should look good in 4 months!

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