Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Welcome to the World, Alex Grey!

Hours of labor: 28
Days early: 3
Baby birth weight: 7 lbs 10 oz
Baby birth length: 21 inches
Number of people in delivery room: 6 (Dean, Mom, Anita, Midwife, Nurse, med student [Dad was in the waiting room])

Alexandra Grey was born on October 4, 2012 at 2:58 p.m.!  

Birth story:
When I woke up in the morning on October 2, at around 7:00 a.m., my pajamas were wet.  Not soaked or anything, but wet.  There was also some bloody show.  I changed my pants, thinking my water probably hadn't broken, since I wasn't soaked, and called my mom.  Dean went to work.  I got off the phone with my mom at about 9:30 a.m. and my newly changed pants were wet.  I called the midwives.

I explained the situation to them and they told me to come in that afternoon to see if I had leaked amniotic fluid or if it was something else.  I called Dean, and we met at the midwives office.

They checked me out and said they didn't think it was an amniotic sac rupture.  They tested the fluid with a "fern leaf" test that should say if it was amniotic fluid.  The test came up negative.  The midwife said it was probably very thin mucus.  If it happened again, she said, lay down for awhile and then get up suddenly.  If fluid runs down my legs, call back.

All the rest of that day, the same thing kept happening.  I never felt the liquid leaking, but only noticed when it had gone through my clothes.  But it never did run down my legs.

The next morning (Oct 3), it was still happening.  I talked to my mom, who said that this was how things had started when she was pregnant with my brother.  I called the midwives back, and they said to go to the hospital for an Amniosure test.  I got to the hospital at about 10 am.  I didn't call Dean because I didn't want to bother him with another false alarm.  The Amniosure came up positive.  My water had broken, and it had broken at least 27 hours earlier (if not more ... it could have broken anytime in the night before I noticed it at 7 am on the 2nd).  The only safe thing to do was induce.

They checked me and I was dilated 1 cm and only 10% effaced.  A LONG way to go.  I called Dean, he rushed to the hospital, and they started me on the Pitocin.  I declined an epidural.  They gradually increased the pitocin drip until it was on the max dosage.  Dean and I used the Bradley techniques to get through the contractions.

About 10 hours in, the contractions started to get really bad.  I felt pretty sure we were nearing transition (from cervix opening labor to push labor), but I was scared to have anyone check.  What if they checked and I was only dilated to a 3?  Two hours later, we asked to have someone check, because the Bradley method was no longer working to get me through the contractions.  They were super intense, and the pitocin was still going full blast.  They checked me, at 12 hours into labor, and I was dilated to a 1.5 and 50% effaced.  I shot up in bed and shouted, "WHAT?!?!"  I was sure I had misheard.  12 hours of labor on pitocin, and that was it?  I cried.

Another hour of trying to get through the contractions, and I caved.  If I still had 8.5 centimeters to go, and this was what it felt like, I needed an epidural.  So, at 13 hours into labor, I got an epidural.

I hated it and loved it.  It made me feel really, really cold.  I couldn't feel my upper legs at all and my lower legs and feet felt weird.  I couldn't stop shivering.  But, I also couldn't feel the amped-up contractions that had been so unbearable.

The epidural lasted about 10 hours.  Out of nowhere, I started feeling the contractions again.  I figured that they had just gotten strong enough that I could feel them through the epidural.  The anesthesiologist came back in and gave me a different drug.  It seemed to work.  Two hours later, the pain was back and it wasn't going anywhere.  They said that the epidural catheter had probably migrated and I wasn't getting the pain medication anymore.

Then I got the urge to push, at 26 hours into labor. 

It feels IMPOSSIBLE not to push when you get that urge.  They checked me and I was at a 9.  I was told not to push.  It was really, really hard.  I thought I was just going to have to push anyway.  Alex was coming, and not pushing seemed truly impossible.  It was painful not to push, especially with no pain medication in my system.  Somehow I held on until they could check me again, 45 minutes later.

Finally, it was time to push.  Pushing was also painful, but a great relief.  At least I was doing something to make progress.  I pushed for 40 minutes.  I delivered her head and my contraction had ended (you push with the contractions), but I gave an extra push anyway to get her body out.  I heard everyone gasp, "Oh!"

They placed her on my chest, and my first thought was, "She doesn't look anything like me!"  But she was beautiful and amazing and my second thought was, "Wow."

Alex is now 3.5 weeks old and we are both doing well.  She still doesn't look anything like me.  She is her dad, through and through.  But she is so beautiful and healthy and strong!

Welcome to the world, Alex!  We love you!

Alex at three weeks

Alex at two weeks

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig!

How far along? 38 w 4 d
How much gained? holding at 41 lbs
Symptoms?  HUNGER (I thought this would have gone away by now), back pain, frequent pee urges, hip popping, increasing intensity of braxton hicks contractions
Looking forward to? Meeting baby, getting out of the house for book club this weekend!
Are you still pregnant? Yes.
One or two?  Just one.
Aren't you SO ready to have the baby?  Kind of.  I am enjoying my last days of quiet time and sleep, but also really anxious to meet Alex and, to some degree, to get my body back.

I am now officially on maternity leave!  Yay!!  I am super glad to be off work, but being at home is kind of boring and lonely.  I had forgotten about that from when I was unemployed. 

To combat this, I have decided to do basically what I did when unemployed -- get dressed like a normal person every day, go out somewhere at least once a day, brush hair, etc.  Be a normal person in the world, and not a pajama wearing layabout (which is basically what I did yesterday).

I have been productive, though!  I cleaned the basement and touched up the paint in the bathroom.  I am making freezer meals for post-baby, did grocery shopping, etc.   Today I will make my Tdap appointment and write thank yous for my work shower.

Oh and I also took photos!  And they include the first (and only) shirtless belly shots of the entire pregnancy.  I've never been a skin-showy person, but I felt like in pregnancy, at least one was warranted.  Here are my 38 week photos (from this morning):

Thanks for taking the pics, Dean!  If you notice that there are none of the stretchmarks I've complained about, that's because only one was visible in the front shot and I photoshopped it out.  Muahahah.  If only it were that easy in life.

Also, I am trying to just eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, since I've been so out of control hungry lately.  But now it's 10:30 am and I am really ready for lunch.  What is going on?  Maybe a late-term baby growth spurt?

Anyway, that's all the news for now.  Just wanted to do my weekly update!  More next week, when I predict I will still be super pregnant.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Enjoy This Time

How far along? 37 w 5 d
Weight gained? 41 lbs
Symptoms?  "Lightning Crotch", back pain, heartburn (again), general difficulty getting around
Looking forward to?  Baby!

I was thinking about it today, and I have made the decision to enjoy this time.  It occurred to me that this is the only time in my life that I will be pregnant with my first child.  I may not have another baby at all.  And even if we do have a second child, these weeks are the last weeks that I will feel little Alexandra squirming around in my belly.

Dean and I love watching her move around when she has her nightly "baby party."  Even when she's hurting me by kicking so hard, I feel glad to know she's doing ok in there.

I won't miss the giant belly or the myriad aches and pains, but I will miss the wonder of how my body changes every day to grow a healthy baby.  It really is amazing how we are able to create new lives.

For these next few weeks, I am going to try to really appreciate being pregnant.  I will enjoy watching her squiggle around in there.  I will enjoy feeling her kick.  I will even enjoy looking at my healthy, pregnant body (and maybe take a few photos).

Soon enough, this time will have passed.  I may never experience this again.  And not too long from now, I won't be able to get pregnant again.  That time will have passed in my life.  When that happens, I hope I will look at other pregnant women with fondness, forgetting all the unpleasant symptoms, just remembering how amazing it is to be growing a new life inside.

I am SO looking forward to meeting baby Alex.  But for now I will make every effort to appreciate the little time we have left this closely bound together.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A-OK Today!

How far along? 37 w 2 d
Weight gained? Still 41 lbs (let's hold there as long as possible, please)
How big is baby?  Estimated 7 lbs - big, beautiful girl!
Fun passtimes? Watching my belly dance, without me moving at all
Looking forward to?  Not having to work anymore!!! T minus 5 days and counting every second!

Sorry for my sad sack post last week!  I've had several awesome friends and family members reach out to me to make sure I'm ok.

I'm ok!  :)

As with all diary-type things, I just get motivated to write when I'm feeling particularly sad or cheesed off about something.  When things are A-OK, I usually don't think to write.  Things are A-OK!  I really am sorry for the big gripe last week.

We are making so much progress, and I actually feel like we are ready for Alex to arrive!  The car seat has been installed, her nursery is finished, and I think we have all of the absolute must-have items for bringing home baby.  Here are a few of the newest nursery pics:


Of course, once I've finished work (soooo close!) I'll use any extra time to get the house as clean and ready as possible, and we still have some "would-like-to-dos" that we'll get to if we have time.

Yes, I am feeling ginormous and clumsy and not super beautiful every day, but I also feel so excited about finally meeting Alex after this long wait.  And I feel grateful that she is seemingly healthy so far.  And I feel hopeful that I will have control of my own body again sometime soon.  We're all good here.

I think I was also freaking out about the weight gain and blood pressure spike from my doctor's visit last week.  Well, I have since dropped my blood pressure (from 140/80 to 123/67) by following the midwife's advice (daily walk + lots of fluids) and the weight gain has slowed.  I think the walking, even though it's only a little over a half mile per day, is helping my mood, too.   And I am stoked to finally have hit FULL TERM!  If Alex arrived today, she'd be fully "cooked".  But we still probably have another 3 weeks to wait, in all likelihood.

In the meantime, I took matters into my own hands and made a change to my appearance.  Not everything is outside my control.  I got bangs!  I think they make me look younger, which I love.

I can't wait to meet my little Alex!  I just have to hang in there a few more weeks now!

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Body is a Wonderland ... For Stretchmarks

How far along - 36 w 5 d (full term THIS SUNDAY!)
Weight gained - 41 lbs  :-o
Shape - sphere
Symptoms - intermittent heartburn, back pain when walking, stretchmarks, putting on underwear now more akin to carnival ring toss
"Waist" size - 48"
Wedding ring/belly button - still on, still in
Looking forward to: The first DCRG bout of the season, going on maternity leave, being able to walk more than half a mile

I've been feeling pretty craptastic about myself lately.  This pregnancy is almost over, and I just feel like I did it ALL WRONG, but told myself that I was doing ok.  I have eaten too much, eaten the wrong things, not exercised enough, and now I feel like that's all coming back to bite me in my giant butt.

At 35 weeks I seem happy and proud to be the size of a minor planet.

My 36-week doctor's appointment yesterday yielded mixed results.  My blood pressure is way up, but not up so much that I should worry about pre-eclampsia ... yet.  The doctor told me to walk every day and get lots of fluids, so I'm trying that.  My weight is also way up -- up 6 lbs from my last appointment two weeks ago.  What???  I'd heard that weight gain slows down at the very end, not ramps up.

I was also disappointed to learn that my cervix is shut tight as a drum.  No effacement, no dilation.  No baby anytime soon.  I just hope she doesn't go overdue too long.  I'd like her to "cook" as long as she needs, but I will be going seriously crazy after October 7 if she hasn't hit the scene yet.  Also, while she was "engaged" (dropped) at my last visit, she has since disengaged.  Apparently, it happens.  She's just not ready yet, I guess.

The good news (and the most important news, anyway) is that Alex seems to be doing great and growing well.  She is now at an estimated 6.5  - 7 lbs.  Her heartbeat is strong and steady.

But I was feeling basically like a failure for my high weight and blood pressure, despite the fact that the doctor told me not to worry about it.  On the doctor's advice, I went for a walk last night around the neighborhood -- just over half a mile -- and it was *so* hard.  My back was killing me after the first block. 

It's really hard for someone who has run four marathons, done an olympic triathlon, and played a sport requiring four 2-hour physically intense practices per week to not be able to walk one mile.  I feel so huge and fat and out of shape.  It just kills me.

Then we get home and start putting on the stretchmark cream (which we have done nightly for the past five months).  I ask Dean if my stomach is a stretchmarky mess (I can only see the top half of my stomach).  He says it's not crazy, but that they are "progressing".  I get up and look in the mirror.  It's strechmark city down there. I felt so awful.  I started crying. A lot.

So now I am thinking, I am the biggest, fattest, roundest, widest person in the world.  I can't walk a half mile.  My stomach is covered in strecthmarks.  I am disgusting.  I was feeling pretty down on myself last night.  My being sad made Dean sad, and he told me that he loves me so much and thinks I'm beautiful.  I hate making Dean sad.  Love him so much!

So there's that.  I'm just going to walk daily and drink my fluids like the doctor said, and try not to feel bad about how enormous and clumsy I am right now.  It _might_  just be temporary.  I can get back into shape after Alex comes, if I'm willing to work super hard at it.  And I'm going to get a postpartum belly belt to try to get my waist back more quickly.

In other news, we had Alex's baby shower last weekend!  We had a great time and Alex got a ton of stuff that she'll need.  I am feeling more and more ready for her arrival.  Now I just have to clean the house, top to bottom, like a maniac once I'm finished with work.

Only one more week of work!!  I can't wait until work is over.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Stop Policing Pregnant Women

How far along? 35 w 4 d
How much weight gained?  35 lbs (as of last week's midwife visit)
Symptoms? The Sampler Platter: Backaches, heartburn (sometimes), shortness of breath, hip/side pain, fatigue
Mood?  Excited and scared about how much our lives will change, and how soon
What do you miss? Alcohol, deli meat, caffeine, roller skating, the ability to walk a mile without gasping or limping
What are you looking forward to?  Baby feets for tickling, roller skating (when I get the all-clear), being able to diet, buttoning pants
Wedding ring?  On!
Belly button?  In!
Feet? Remain unswollen

I am starting to get pretty sick of everyone thinking they can police my actions.  When you are pregnant, people feel completely free to comment on what you eat, what you do, where you go, etc.  Pregnant women are fully functional, (mostly) rational adults.  Most pregnant women today are also very well informed about pregnancy and dangers for pregnant women.  Some women choose to take calculated minor risks -- for example, I ate a club sandwich yesterday (deli meats are a no-no), and I had a cup of coffee today.  These aren't things I do every day, or even every month, so I don't want to hear from you or anyone else about it.

This past weekend we went on our babymoon to Ocean City.  For the most part, we had a really good time.  We bounced in the ocean and pool, read books in the sand, played mini golf, ate fancy dinners, rode a boat out to Assateague island, relaxed, etc.  However, one thing I was really looking forward to was going to the Jolly Roger amusement park.  I even picked a hotel close to it so we could walk.  I wasn't going to ride the Zipper or anything, but I thought it would be fun to ride the carousel and maybe the ferris wheel (if it looked sturdy).  However, every single ride (including the carousel, and even the house of mirrors had this sign):


First of all, that lady does not seem pregnant.  Pregnant ladies usually don't just push around a stroller for practice, with their flat bellies.  But that's an aside.  You can put your 2 year old on a carousel.  Do you really think it's not safe for a grown woman?  And the hall of mirrors?  That's just walking!  Do they think pregnant women are so addled that they will walk into the mirrors, break them, and then cut themselves?   It really angered me.  I can make these decisions for myself.

At work, if I lift a ream of paper, people freak out.  I have one coworker who constantly comments on my food choices.  I tell him where he can put his commentary.  I went to a wedding where I was helping out.  I lifted a 10 lb bag of ice and was promptly told by several people to stop doing that.  If I can't lift 10 lbs, I'll be in trouble when the baby reaches a month old. 

So this is my plea to one and all.  LET PREGNANT WOMEN MAKE THEIR OWN DECISIONS.  I really, really mean this.  Even if you see a pregnant lady smoking.  Even if you see her having a drink.  You DON'T KNOW her situation or her life.  Maybe she was a 5 pack per day-er and has cut down to one cigarette a day.  Maybe she's 8 months along and this is the first and only sip of wine she plans to have her whole pregnancy.   Even if not, it's not your business.  It's not.  So leave her be.

Pregnant women are rational adults capable of making their own choices.  That is all.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


When it rains, it pours!  I forgot that I downloaded a ton of pics from Dean's phone that I can now post, so prepare yourself for a gazillion photos.

I forgot yesterday to mention that I *FINALLY* finished the nursery valances.  I am really pleased with how they turned out.  Here's are two pics:

Dean is almost finished with the mobile!  Here are what the bunnies and birdies look like:

I think, the way he arranged them, they look like the Jets and the Sharks getting ready for a rumble.  If only they could do a box step...

And here are random photos, with captions below:

Brand new Baby Enzo!  I am a mere 20 wks pregnant here.

 Anita's porch, pergola and yard.  Isn't it beautiful?

 Anita's yard part 2

Ms. Judgement (a DC Demoncat) made these booties, legwarmers and this headband for Alex!
A side pose to see the skate wheels!

Joy, me, and Dean at Sapna's wedding! (I'm 28 wks)

Look at my handsome husband!

In other news, we are officially one condo and one mortgage payment lighter!  I have done my FMLA paperwork.  We are consolidating our car insurances.  Things are getting DONE and I love it!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hooray for Midwives!

How far along? 34 w 3 d
How much weight gained? 35 lbs
Looking forward to? Babymoon (this weekend)!  Shower (weekend after babymoon)!  Leaving work (only a month left)!
Wedding ring? Still on and holding strong
Belly button? Still a solid innie -- not even flat yet
Symptoms? Slight ankle swelling, tiredness, hip pain, emotional basketcase
Other Updates? I think the baby has dropped!

I know, I know.  I haven't been posting.  I try to wait until I have some pictures, but then I never have any good pictures so I don't want to post.

A lot has been going on!  I'm going today to close on the condo.  I changed from my OB practice to a midwife practice (they have OBs too, but you only see them if necessary).  The Bombshells took me out for a baby brunch/mini shower, and gave me lots of adorable fun stuff!  Dean and I were both sick last week and are now just turning the corner.

I was having TERRIBLE heartburn for a few weeks there, but now it's basically totally gone.  I think that was the baby dropping.  My belly is really low.

Aaaanyway, I am really excited that I have switched to the midwife practice.  They are so fabulous so far.  I feel much more supported.  The OB practice I was with, while I'm sure they are fine doctors, just didn't seem to care much about what my preferences were.  It's not that my preferences weren't safe, or that I was totally rigid about them -- they just didn't seem interested in anything other than how they always do it.  They even kind of sneered at me about it.  That's not who I want in the delivery room, y'know?  So I switched and I had my first midwife appointment and I am so much happier.  Baby is happy too!  She has been very kicky lately.

In just about 5 minutes, I'm leaving to close on my condo.  Dean and I cleaned all the last bits out of it this weekend.  I will really miss it.  I SUPER loved that place, and had a lot of great memories there.  I first told Dean I loved him there!  Awwww.  It was a great condo, and I will miss it.  I am also pretty glad that we won't have to worry about the mortgage on it while I'm on maternity leave.

Bye, condo! (sorry it's fuzzy)

Anyway that has to be all for now, since I need to run to the condo closing.  I hope I'll have more and better updates soon!

Click here for photos of my awesome condo in its heyday.  

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Keeping Up with the To Dos

Since I just posted yesterday, no stats except to say that I measured, and my waist circumference guess was right.

I just need to write down our To Dos to keep track of them. 

Change outlets in house with safety outlets - Dean
Register for basic infant care class - Meredith
Call current practice to cancel appointments and get medical records - Meredith
Call new practice to set up first appointment - Meredith
Fill out new practice paperwork - Meredith
Get and install safety latches for kitchen cabinets - Dean and Meredith
Pack hospital bag(s) - Dean and Meredith
Pre-register at hospital - Meredith
Do hospital tour - Meredith and Dean
Install car seat and have it inspected - Meredith and Dean
Register for breastfeeding class? - Meredith

I think that's all we have to do.  I'm probably missing something monumental somewhere.   Anyway, just writing it down!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Entering the Home Stretch

How far along? 31w 1 d
Weight gained? 31.5 lbs (I'm pretty happy with that - could be way worse)
Symptoms? Sciatica, difficulty sleeping, stitch in right side, back pain, shortness of breath
Waist circumference?  Just a guess, but I'd say at least 48", if not more... it's BIG.
Stomach and lungs? Squished up (stomach is now under breastplate, I think)
Sizes gained? Holding strong at only one clothing size up.  Fingers crossed.
Wedding ring?  Still on!  I think it might make it all the way!

We're getting there!  Slowly but surely, anyway.  I feel like we're in pretty good shape.  The nursery is basically ready, and after the shower happens we should be completely ready for Alex!

As for me, I'm huge:

And underneath that shirt, I have my first stretchmarks.  We have been SO diligent about using the creams and lotions.  I was really hoping I'd make it through okay, but no luck.  I hope it doesn't get too crazy over the next two months.

We still need to sign up for an infant care class, do a hospital tour, etc.

But I think I am going to change practices and hospitals.  I just don't feel good about my current OB practice, and I think I will switch to an OB and Midwifery Care practice that operates out of Bethesda and that does deliveries at Shady Grove Hospital, which is very near our house.  It will be a much quicker and less stressful ride to the hospital, plus in Maryland you can stay at the hospital one extra day than you can in DC, even for a complication-free birth.  I think I'd like another day of nurse help.  And Dean could sleep at home in his bed if he needed to, without having to go too far away from me and baby.  It just seems like the right call.  And I want to have a natural childbirth if possible, and this group seems much more supportive of that than my current practice.  Shady Grove and their L&D staff does what your practitioner says to do.  However, if I decide I want drugs, I'll still be at a hospital and able to get them.  Perfect!

I am nervous about having the baby -- it is starting to feel real to me, and there will really be an infant to take care of in just two months!   But I feel ready to get back to normal, myself, and be able to move around and breathe normally, etc.

I am so ready to leave work at this point.  We are so busy and I can't keep my head above water at 40 hours per week.  But I am unwilling to work more than 40 hours per week.   Speaking of which, I should get back to it.  I just thought it was past time to post an update!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pregnancy is Wonderful! Pregnancy is Terrible!

How far along? 28 w 2 d
Weight gained?  Haven't looked recently...
Symptoms? Same as last week, plus I've noticed my face is getting fat

I'm going to skip other stats, since I keep starting this post, getting distracted, and then wandering off without completing it.  It will be posted today!!

First, here's a photo of me from last week, in a dress given to me by one of my derby ex-teammates:

 27 weeks

Onto the real post!  I know that I gripe a lot about being pregnant.  I think I didn't know how much crap you have to deal with when pregnant.  But there's a lot of good stuff, too!  So here is a Pregnancy: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly post, especially helpful (IMO) for those who haven't been pregnant yet and don't know what to expect.

When you're pregnant, it kind of feels like you're famous.  People look at you and are interested in what's going on with you, how you're feeling, etc.  Pretty fun!
I don't feel guilty about eating anything, ever.
It feels amazing and crazy all at once when the baby is moving around inside you.
People want to help you all the time, and are forgiving of small moments of forgetfulness or small errors.
You get to park in expectant mother parking spots.
Really strong fingernails, for some reason.
People always tell you you look great and glowing, even though you really look more like a hippo with a stomach tumor.
Crazy vivid dreams!  I seem to be remembering my crazy dreams a lot better, which is fun.
You are GROWING A PERSON INSIDE YOU.  That is insane and wonderful all on its own.

Hip pain
Fatigue from everyday things that used to be easy
Shortness of breath
Feeling fat/huge all the time, and always getting bigger still
Having zero control over your own body (the baby is in charge)
Nausea (early on)
Balance problems
Rarely, if ever, feeling pretty 
Maternity clothes (even I, someone who doesn't care much about clothes, find maternity clothes to be seriously lacking in style and options -- esp. plus size maternity clothes)
Worrying about finances

The giant and ever-growing baby stomach
Zits (greasy skin from hormones)
Varicose and spider veins
Swollen everything (esp. feet, ankles and fingers)
Stretch marks (I don't have them yet, but I'm sure I won't escape scot-free)
Clumsiness due to increased size (not realizing how big you are)
Bags under your eyes from lack of sleep (sleeping gets just plain uncomfortable)

That's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure I'm forgetting tons of stuff.  People say you will miss being pregnant after the baby comes, and to try to enjoy it.  I guess I can kind of see that being true (your peace and quiet will be gone, at least), so I am trying to focus on the positive more often. 

Right now I feel pretty good.  In fact, most days, most of the time I feel pretty good.  Annoying symptoms and random pains come and go, but for the most part I've been feeling fine.  Sleep is elusive sometimes, but for now I am getting enough to function.  I get to feel the baby moving around and doing flips, without having to deal with screaming and pooping.  I get to look forward to maternity leave -- 3 whole months without having to go to work!!  All in all, it's not such a bad gig.  :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sorry I Can't Answer the Phone; I'm Buried Under My To-Do List

How far along? 27 w 2 d
Weight gained? 27 lbs (only up one from two weeks ago!)
Food cravings?  Sugar and more sugar (trying to curb it), greek yogurt
Symptoms?  Braxton Hicks contractions, hip pain, back pain, heartburn
Baby name? Alexandra (Alex) Grey
New baby nickname?  "Kickybaby"

We are now in our third trimester, with A LOT to do!  I am feeling a little overwhelmed by everything, and I hope we will be ready for Alex when she comes.

So far we have:
*Researched college funds and found the one we will sign up for when baby is born
*Started birth classes
*Signed up for Infant CPR classes
*Started the refinance process on my condo so we can rent it out ASAP
*Prepared the nursery (updated photos below!)
*Registered for baby shower and bought lots of critically needed baby items
*Gotten on waiting lists for several daycares
*Crunched the numbers financially to see if we can survive if I have trouble finding a job post-baby (I am probably not going back to my current job)
*Started (and are succeeding on) a financial austerity plan to save us money for when baby comes
*Anchored bookcases to walls (bookcases look perfect for climbing, unfortunately)

We still need to:
*Finish the re-finance process
*Rent out condo
*Sign up for basic newborn care class at hospital
*Pre-register at hospital
*Change electrical outlets
*Mount TV to wall (so baby doesn't pull it down on top of herself)
*Sign up for college fund (as soon as baby has a SSN)
*Finish embroidering second valance and finish mobile (pics included below)
*Tour maternity ward at hospital
*Wash all clothing and cloth diapers 
*Pack hospital bag
*Probably a million other things I'm forgetting

I am starting to get stressed out since Alex might be here in less than 3 months!  (We are less than 3 months from her due date.)  A lot of these to-dos are time intensive, or must be done on weekends, and we have a lot of weekends booked up. 

But it's not all stress.  Alex is kicking A TON these days, which is exciting (hence the name kickybaby) and our crafting projects are exciting, and the nursery is coming together really well.  We also have a lot of fun and exciting things (like Sapna's wedding, perhaps?) keeping us distracted and busy.  And we're really enjoying the birth classes -- it's nice to meet other local pregnant women, and there's a lot of good information to be had from those classes.

And now, the fun part.  Pictures!!

 Here's me modeling the dress I'll be wearing to Sapna's wedding.  26 weeks in this picture.
 Another wedding dress picture.  I will wear make-up to the actual wedding. ;)
 From the back (obviously I need to get a new bra -- another thing for the to-do list)
 One of the knitted bunnies going into the mobile Dean is making for Alex!
 Bunny butt!
 The first valance is done and hung up!
 Current nursery photos (July 4).  The second valance is halfway done.
 Another current nursery pic
 Alex's closet!
 We have a lot of clothes!
... aaand the adorable rug my parents bought for the nursery!

That's all for now.  I have my next Dr. appt late next week.  I hope I can keep the weight gain low some more.  Food tastes so good!

Okay I should get back to work!  I just wanted to catch up since I didn't post anything last week.  See you soon!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Some SUPER Quick updates

How far along: 25 w 4 d
Weight gained: 26 lbs

I don't have gestational diabetes (again).  They did my second glucola test and my blood sugar came back even better than the first time.

Also, I finished one of two valances!

Here are some photos:

At 24 w 3 d

At 25 w 4 d (today!)

One finished valance! (not officially hung yet, obviously)

And that's all for today, folks!  I am swamped at work without much blogging time.  More soon, I hope!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Just Some Photo Updates

Anita came by yesterday and brought us the crib and the crib sheet that she sewed OVERNIGHT!  That just blows my mind.

Anyway, here are some pics.  I *love* how it looks.  It all goes together beautifully:

And in other news, I successfully diapered a duck!

That's all for now!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sweatin' It

How far along? 24 w 1 d
Weight gained?  Not sure.  I am afraid to step on the scale.
Symptoms: Pain! In my hips, all the time. Also, I have no real concept of my new size, and keep bumping into things.
Wedding ring on or off?  On, but really, really tight now.  I don't think it'll make it all 9 mos.
Milestones?  We have reached viability!  Baby now has an excellent chance of survival if born pre-term
Birth plan?  Natural, with an epidural escape clause if needed
Do you plan to breastfeed?  If we can do it, then yes.
Cloth or disposables?  It depends on if I'm working or not.  We'd prefer cloth, but most daycares only take disposables
Mood?  Stressed

First things first, I will post a photo of Enzo's blanket.  We gave it to Leah and Glenn this weekend, and I think they liked it.  :) 

Okay, on to the current news ...

We are fast approaching our THIRD trimester!  Holy moly.  At about 6 months along, I am starting to get really stressed out about preparing for baby.  I guess this is when I would normally start nesting, but everything feels so unsettled that I am just awake all night worrying about stuff, rather than getting ready for the baby in the normal nesting way. 

Here are the top 5 things keeping me up at night (countdown from least stressful to most):

5) Prep Time / R&R - We have plans for every single weekend from now through the end of July, and I'm sure as time passes, weekends after that will get full, too.  When will we get things done?  We need to clean, organize baby stuff, change our electrical outlets, register for the shower, embroider valances, make a mobile, buy diapers, set up daycare, attend birthing classes, pre-register with the hospital, and do a million other things.  When will we do these things?  Most of them have to be done during work hours, and my work hours are jam packed right now.  Also, we wanted to take a babymoon one weekend to rest and relax.  I don't know if that can happen.

4) Baby stuff - We need to create our shower registry(ies), stat.  I am trying to keep in my head all the things we need to register for, and I'm sure I will forget something crucial.  I just need to start a list.   Leah has been a great help by letting us know what she thought has been great for Enzo.  

3) Daycare - We need to set up daycare, and NOW.  We're on one waiting list for a place we really like that is close to home, but we need to be on every waiting list everywhere.  I don't have time off work to go visit the places, and I don't have time during the workday to even call.  The longer we wait, the less likely we'll be to secure a place.  Possible solution:  Make a list of places for Dean to call and visit.  I think he is willing to help where he can. 

2) Work - I HATE my job.  I am the only person right now who does my job (2 colleagues with my same position quit) and I'm constantly worrying that I forgot to handle something or another.  I'd love to quit when Hoagie comes, but I'm just not sure we'll be able to afford for me to quit.  The thought of having to carry this workload plus take care of a baby just makes me want to sob uncontrollably. 

1) Condo (or, Money) - My condo isn't selling, and we need it to sell.  I can't pay that mortgage when the baby comes.  Especially with only 66% of my salary coming in and a million doctors appointments to pay for, etc.  Possible solution: Dean says if we don't sell this month, we can take it off the market, refinance, and get a management company to rent it out.  Sounds like a good plan B, but I'd really love to have it off my hands completely and for good.  And Plan B sounds like a hassle, and we only have 3.5 months to get this settled.

So that's all got me worried.

On the positive side, the embroidery pattern has finally arrived, and I started working on the valances last night.  It looks *amazing* so far, and I am really excited about getting them done.  Here's a pic of the patterns, all jumbled up (not what the valance will look like:

We start the Bradley classes this weekend.  I hope we will learn a lot!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Productivity is Productive!

How far along? 23 w 2 d
How much weight gained? 21 lbs (that's right, a pound DOWN since last time!)
Symptoms? Sciatica, general back achiness, insane drive to be productive, weepiness, difficulty putting on own socks and painting toenails
Belly button?  I'm going to stop posting this one, since it's a solid innie, now and forever
Baby size?  ONE POUND and change! 11" head to toe (or is it still crown to rump?)
Any stretch marks?  Not yet, thankfully.  We're cocoa buttering every night.
Cravings? Not so much these days.
What isn't going so hot? Not drinking.  But only since work got crazy.  Also, I really miss deli meat.
Anything about pregnancy particularly frustrating?  That it's 40 weeks long.

Ok, that's enough stats.  Things are going really well for me and baby this week.  Dean and I have been feeling super productive and have gotten a lot done.

For one, we finally printed out and framed the photos for our baby's family wall in the nursery!  I think it looks great!

There are some we will need to replace (baby Enzo gets bigger every day!), but this is the basic schema.

We also finished the blanket for baby Enzo!  I think looks great, but I'll wait to post photos until we've given it to Leah.  I don't want to spoil the surprise!  I am so glad that Dean learned to knit.  Now the blanket is from both of us, and I think that makes it more special.  I felt so bad that we didn't bring her anything at the hospital when we visited, but we were rushing to make it before visiting hours ended so we didn't stop to get balloons or flowers.  I hope she likes the blanket, and I hope baby Enzo does, too!

Also, we got registered for the Bradley method classes.  They start June 24.  I was debating between Bradley and Hypnobabies, but ultimately chose Bradley.  It really involves the partner more, and Dean wants to be involved 100%.  I am so lucky to have a husband who is so invested in this.  In fact, he has started making a mobile for the baby.  It is going to be so cute!  My next project is to embroider valances for the nursery.  This baby is going to have a hand crafted room, and I hope she likes it!  It might involve these birds:

In other news, I went to my derby team's end-of-season party.   We had a great time!  I miss derby SO much, and I am totally planning to join Free State Roller Derby as soon as I am able to exercise again.  The practice demands of FSRD seem to be less than DCRG, and it's WAY closer to home.  Plus, the ladies seem awesome!

Here is a pic from the Bombshell end-of-season party.  Trust me, it was a lot more fun than it looks in this photo, which I am posting just to show what I'm looking like these days:

In other words, BIG.  Everyone at the party was excited about the baby.  They said it seemed like time was flying and couldn't believe I was already in my 6th month! 

Otherwise, things are going well.  I'd like to do something for Dean for Father's Day, but he says he doesn't want anything.  But he's been SO great and I really appreciate it.  And we had a great time celebrating his birthday all weekend and yesterday!

Tomorrow is Grandma Anita's birthday.  Happy birthday, Anita!