Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pregnancy is Wonderful! Pregnancy is Terrible!

How far along? 28 w 2 d
Weight gained?  Haven't looked recently...
Symptoms? Same as last week, plus I've noticed my face is getting fat

I'm going to skip other stats, since I keep starting this post, getting distracted, and then wandering off without completing it.  It will be posted today!!

First, here's a photo of me from last week, in a dress given to me by one of my derby ex-teammates:

 27 weeks

Onto the real post!  I know that I gripe a lot about being pregnant.  I think I didn't know how much crap you have to deal with when pregnant.  But there's a lot of good stuff, too!  So here is a Pregnancy: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly post, especially helpful (IMO) for those who haven't been pregnant yet and don't know what to expect.

When you're pregnant, it kind of feels like you're famous.  People look at you and are interested in what's going on with you, how you're feeling, etc.  Pretty fun!
I don't feel guilty about eating anything, ever.
It feels amazing and crazy all at once when the baby is moving around inside you.
People want to help you all the time, and are forgiving of small moments of forgetfulness or small errors.
You get to park in expectant mother parking spots.
Really strong fingernails, for some reason.
People always tell you you look great and glowing, even though you really look more like a hippo with a stomach tumor.
Crazy vivid dreams!  I seem to be remembering my crazy dreams a lot better, which is fun.
You are GROWING A PERSON INSIDE YOU.  That is insane and wonderful all on its own.

Hip pain
Fatigue from everyday things that used to be easy
Shortness of breath
Feeling fat/huge all the time, and always getting bigger still
Having zero control over your own body (the baby is in charge)
Nausea (early on)
Balance problems
Rarely, if ever, feeling pretty 
Maternity clothes (even I, someone who doesn't care much about clothes, find maternity clothes to be seriously lacking in style and options -- esp. plus size maternity clothes)
Worrying about finances

The giant and ever-growing baby stomach
Zits (greasy skin from hormones)
Varicose and spider veins
Swollen everything (esp. feet, ankles and fingers)
Stretch marks (I don't have them yet, but I'm sure I won't escape scot-free)
Clumsiness due to increased size (not realizing how big you are)
Bags under your eyes from lack of sleep (sleeping gets just plain uncomfortable)

That's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure I'm forgetting tons of stuff.  People say you will miss being pregnant after the baby comes, and to try to enjoy it.  I guess I can kind of see that being true (your peace and quiet will be gone, at least), so I am trying to focus on the positive more often. 

Right now I feel pretty good.  In fact, most days, most of the time I feel pretty good.  Annoying symptoms and random pains come and go, but for the most part I've been feeling fine.  Sleep is elusive sometimes, but for now I am getting enough to function.  I get to feel the baby moving around and doing flips, without having to deal with screaming and pooping.  I get to look forward to maternity leave -- 3 whole months without having to go to work!!  All in all, it's not such a bad gig.  :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sorry I Can't Answer the Phone; I'm Buried Under My To-Do List

How far along? 27 w 2 d
Weight gained? 27 lbs (only up one from two weeks ago!)
Food cravings?  Sugar and more sugar (trying to curb it), greek yogurt
Symptoms?  Braxton Hicks contractions, hip pain, back pain, heartburn
Baby name? Alexandra (Alex) Grey
New baby nickname?  "Kickybaby"

We are now in our third trimester, with A LOT to do!  I am feeling a little overwhelmed by everything, and I hope we will be ready for Alex when she comes.

So far we have:
*Researched college funds and found the one we will sign up for when baby is born
*Started birth classes
*Signed up for Infant CPR classes
*Started the refinance process on my condo so we can rent it out ASAP
*Prepared the nursery (updated photos below!)
*Registered for baby shower and bought lots of critically needed baby items
*Gotten on waiting lists for several daycares
*Crunched the numbers financially to see if we can survive if I have trouble finding a job post-baby (I am probably not going back to my current job)
*Started (and are succeeding on) a financial austerity plan to save us money for when baby comes
*Anchored bookcases to walls (bookcases look perfect for climbing, unfortunately)

We still need to:
*Finish the re-finance process
*Rent out condo
*Sign up for basic newborn care class at hospital
*Pre-register at hospital
*Change electrical outlets
*Mount TV to wall (so baby doesn't pull it down on top of herself)
*Sign up for college fund (as soon as baby has a SSN)
*Finish embroidering second valance and finish mobile (pics included below)
*Tour maternity ward at hospital
*Wash all clothing and cloth diapers 
*Pack hospital bag
*Probably a million other things I'm forgetting

I am starting to get stressed out since Alex might be here in less than 3 months!  (We are less than 3 months from her due date.)  A lot of these to-dos are time intensive, or must be done on weekends, and we have a lot of weekends booked up. 

But it's not all stress.  Alex is kicking A TON these days, which is exciting (hence the name kickybaby) and our crafting projects are exciting, and the nursery is coming together really well.  We also have a lot of fun and exciting things (like Sapna's wedding, perhaps?) keeping us distracted and busy.  And we're really enjoying the birth classes -- it's nice to meet other local pregnant women, and there's a lot of good information to be had from those classes.

And now, the fun part.  Pictures!!

 Here's me modeling the dress I'll be wearing to Sapna's wedding.  26 weeks in this picture.
 Another wedding dress picture.  I will wear make-up to the actual wedding. ;)
 From the back (obviously I need to get a new bra -- another thing for the to-do list)
 One of the knitted bunnies going into the mobile Dean is making for Alex!
 Bunny butt!
 The first valance is done and hung up!
 Current nursery photos (July 4).  The second valance is halfway done.
 Another current nursery pic
 Alex's closet!
 We have a lot of clothes!
... aaand the adorable rug my parents bought for the nursery!

That's all for now.  I have my next Dr. appt late next week.  I hope I can keep the weight gain low some more.  Food tastes so good!

Okay I should get back to work!  I just wanted to catch up since I didn't post anything last week.  See you soon!